Sharing another cool stuff that I did for Mirage - one of the main gates - Khufa Gate - the challenge here was to make it a bit under construction/maintenance theme that had to support also the gameplay.
I took the initial Level layout and developed it further by working with the terrain ,materials, vegetation and propping to support the theme of the place.
Some of the very talented and cool guys involved:
Modeling work of the dome in construction: Alexandre Ribeiro
Modeling of the gate architectural modules: Petar Zvezdanov
Lead Level Design: Alexander Stefanov
Level Design: Adrian Yosifov
Art Direction: Nikola Stoyanov, Andon Nedev
Lighting Artist: Veselin Dimitrov
Texture Artists: Nikolay Bonev and Tsvetelina Valkanova
Technical Artists: Emi Dimitrova and Samuil Munis